Application Instructions
Applicants must submit their full application online here:
You must read all instructions thoroughly and have all your materials prepared before submitting your application via our online system.
All applications will include the following:
- Work Samples (10 images or 3 minutes of video)
- Image List
- Current Resume
- Explanation of Work
Work Samples:
Applicants Submitting Images:
You may submit 10 images total (including any images of details.) All images should be in jpeg format, resolution 300 pixels/inch or less, maximum size: 800x800 pixels—NO IMAGE SHOULD BE LARGER THAN 2MB. This is the optimal size for good image quality and fast upload.
Save each image as: "yourlastname_yourfirstname_01" (ex. Smith_Jane_01.jpg, Smith_Jane_02.jpg, etc).
Applicants Submitting Video:
All videos must be available for viewing online. In the application form, please provide a URL for your video submission. If there are any privacy settings on the video, we must be able to access the video using a password which can be supplied in the application for.
- The panel will only watch the first 3 minutes of each video.
- Do not include your name in your title, credits or anywhere within the video.
- Applicants will remain anonymous to the Artistic Merit Selection Panel who will be judging the work.
We no longer accept DVD's submissions. All video submissions can be made through the online submission form.
***Please note that the Artistic Merit Selection Panel will review only one format: images or video.
Image List
Put your name at the top of the page. Include the title, date, medium, and dimensions for each image/video segment. Be sure your image list corresponds to the file name of each image. This is very important because it will be used as a reference when the Panel is viewing your work.
Please save your Image List as a .doc or .pdf file as: “yourlastname_yourfirstname_Image List” (ex. Smith_Jane_Image List)
Please provide your most current Resume.
Please save your Resume as a .doc or .pdffile as: “yourlastname_yourfirstname_Resume” (ex. Smith_Jane_Resume)
Explanation of Work
In 250 words or less describe the work you have submitted for review. Please include your name at the top of the page.
Please save your Explanation of Work as a .doc or .pdf file as “yourlastname_yourfirstname_Explanation” (ex. Smith_Jane_Explanation)